African Violets, Saintpaulia

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2” African Violets shown

African Violets have fuzzy leaves and clusters of colorful blooms that will continue all year round if given the right amount of light. A sweet and cheerful plant!

  • LIGHT: Likes plant of bright indirect light. Direct light will burn the leaves and not enough light will cause the plant to not bloom as often.

  • WATER: Always use lukewarm water and bottom water by pouring water into a saucer and setting the pot in the saucer allow the plant to soak up the water from the roots. Let the plant soak up water for no more than 30 minutes. Repeat when the soil feels dry to the touch.

  • FERTILIZER: Feed every two weeks in spring and summer with a diluted African Violet liquid fertilizer. Fertilizing is important to keep the plant blooming.

  • TIPS: Avoid drafty windows. African Violets also like to be slightly root bound, which encourages blooming. Wait to repot until several bottom leaves have wilted.

Contactless delivery available in SF, Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, Albany and Alameda. Free for orders over $30. $15 delivery fee for elsewhere in the Bay. Pick ups can be arranged in West Oakland.

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