Huernia zebrina, Lifesaver Plant

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4” Huernia zebrina shown

Known for their other worldly blooms, the Huernia zebrina is definite must have for the plant enthusiast. The blooms have bright yellow and red stripes with a thick red rubbery ring in the center giving it it’s nickname, the Lifesaver Plant. The thick angular stems have spiky margins that can flush red with lots of sun.

  • LIGHT: Partial direct sun to bright indirect light. Too much light and the stems will turn red, too little and the stems will get weak.

  • WATER: Water very sparingly in the winter, keeping the plant mostly dry. During the growing season let the plant dry out 3/4 of the pot. If repotting, make sure to use a well draining succulent and cactus mix.

  • FERTILIZER: Feed once a month during growing season with a diluted liquid fertilizer.

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